Discussing Anti-Asian Racism with Students: An Educator’s Guide

May 2021
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Discussing Anti-Asian Racism with Students: An Educator’s Guide

  1. Inform students that COVID-19 is not linked to a race or ethnicity
  2. Avoid stereotyping countries and help students understand their own biases
  3. Share accurate information and counter misinformation about COVID-19
  4. Interrupt bias by speaking up if you witness discriminatory behavior by students or staff
  5. Stop any type of harassment or bullying immediately and make it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated
  6. Support your students when they tell you they have been targeted because of their AAPI heritage, and confront discriminatory behavior
  7. Model compassion and provide accurate information that is developmentally appropriate for your students
  8. Empower your students to seek help if they are a victim or bystander of anti-Asian racism. Let them know that they can come to you or the school’s counselor and nurse for help
  9. Discuss historical events of American intolerance and scapegoating of the AAPI community e.g. Japanese Internment, Chinese Exclusion Act, and scapegoating South Asians/Muslims after 9/11
  10. Talk about AAPI “heroes” that advocated for our community in the past and the present

Source: National Association of School Psychologists